Theories of Consciousness

Welcome to this site! Please note that it is currently under construction, and my understanding of how consciousness might arise has undergone significant refinement. I would like to share my current model with you:

The conscious cortex communicates using a sort of double-cipher. At the first level, each millisecond of neural activity maps to a single point voxel location in perceptual space - the space around you. Over the course of, say, one-tenth of a second, the voxels move slightly 100 times and trace out a squiggly ring path in a 2D plane at some attitude. At the second level, the ring path is a geometric cipher, which - combined with neural ensemble encoding - the brain understands as equivalent to the full 3D experience of consciousness. These "rings," whether drawn out over 100 ms or grouped into a nearly instantaneous flash, are the edges of the "frames of consciousness." These frames, with boundary rings, move around within perceptual space, largely unnoticed by us but painting the entirety of conscious experience.

Poster presentation for Italy 2023 Science of Consciousness

Thank you for your interest in this ongoing exploration of the nature of consciousness.

PDF Papers

Slides from Six Classes on Perceptual Optics

Perceptual Optics Book Preview


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me at